Visitors, please browse through our web site and get acquainted with our club and what it offers.

Strathfield Croquet Club Inc.

Strathfield Croquet Club acknowledges the Wangal people, traditional owners of the lands on which we meet and enjoy croquet.
Croquet - an enjoyable, affordable, lifetime sport for all ages.
Contact our club via email: strathfieldcroquet@gmail.com
Frequently asked questions and answers to point you in the right direction
Note: To progress through this document you can simply scroll down or use the arrows near the page counters (on the application's menu bar).
Who can advise me on purchasing my own mallet?
I'd talk to a Club Coach (See Club Management Team for names).
I'd like to platy against other clubs. Who do I talk to?
Can non members/visitors play?
Talk to the Tournament Coordinator to get an idea of the range of interclub competitions coming up. Talk to the Club Handicapper and a Club Coach for advice on suitable first moves. (See Mamangement Information for names).
How do I get a key to the clubhouse?
What days of the week can I play?
See Website Playing Sessions
How can I find out if I like Croquet?
Do I have to buy a mallet straight away?
Is there a uniform? Where do I buy it? When do I wear it?