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Visitors, please browse through our web site and get acquainted with our club and what it offers.

Strathfield Croquet Club Inc.

Strathfield Croquet Club acknowledges the Wangal people, traditional owners of the lands on which we meet and enjoy croquet.
Croquet - an enjoyable, affordable, lifetime sport for all ages.
Contact our club via email:
2024 Seniors Festival - Reach Beyond

We were pleased that Councillor Benjamin Cai, was able to join us for one session.

Participants try a range of croquet codes - in this case, they have, obviously, been trying Gateball
The 2024 Seniors Festival, was, as usual ,a great success. We had 12 participants over two sessions. These included five “friend” pairs. Feedback from the groups has been most positive, with many showing interest in receiving more coaching. Our visitors were ably assisted by a squad of club members.
Our Club has been participating in this program for over a decade.
The Senior Festival, like other civic events, (eg. U3A) increases the club’s exposure to the broader community.
An extra session up our sleeves proves useful when the weather forces either session to be cancelled.

Our Head Coach, Ruth Bridger, demonstrates for our visitors the magic of the Jump Shot.
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