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Strathfield Croquet Club Inc.
Strathfield Croquet Club acknowledges the Wangal people, traditional owners of the lands on which we meet and enjoy croquet.
Croquet - an enjoyable, affordable, lifetime sport for all ages.
Contact our club via email:
Congratulations to Julia Rizzo
Congratulations to Petula Shun
Julia is being presented with her badge by John Park, Level 3 Gateball Coach.
Congratulations to Julia Rizzo of Strathfield Croquet Club who recently became a level 1 Gateball Coach.
Congratulations to Petula Shun, Captain of Strathfield Croquet Club, who has been selected for one of the Australian International Teams competing in the upcoming Asian Gateball Championships.
Reporting on Strathfield Croquet Club's Contribution to the Open Day at Yaralla, Sunday, 27 October, 2024
- by Ruth Bridger
Ruth Bridger, ably assisted by Allan Petersen, Marilyn McDonald, Pauline Atkinson and Margaret Orr, hosted a croquet event at the Yaralla Open Day in October. The team demonstrated a variety of codes, encouraging visitors to try their hand, all with a view to promoting our sport and our club.
As well as the photographic exhibitions, the stables, squash court and dairy, a feature of the Open Day is the walking tours led by members of the Canada Bay Historical Society. The tours are proving popular. In all, about 150 people registered to take a tour. We met some of these visitors and they had interesting tales to tell. One family group spoke of their ancestor, who had worked at the Estate when Dame Eadith resided there.
As Yaralla is such a vast property, all who came would have had absorbed the sense of tranquillity and space. No doubt, the visitors will spread the word about what they saw and experienced on the day.
Croquet returns to Yaralla
A Demonstration of Gateball
Geoff Ashton, President of the City of Canada Bay Heritage Society, was delighted to have Strathfield Club return croquet to Yaralla after over 100 years. He noted this was Strathfield Croquet Club’s fourth visit to Yaralla with the first being in 2011. Geoff said he would be delighted if we could attend their next Open Day, on Sunday 27th April 2025.
Ruth coaches Geoff Ashton, President of the City of Canada Bay Heritage Society
Congratulations to Ruth Mulvaney, Toronto CC
Ruth Mulvaney from Toronto CC became an accredited Level 1 Referee. Ruth was presented with her badge by State Gateball Coordinator, Petula Shun at the NSW Gateball Championships.
Another Sucessful Schools Program
Tuesday 24th September saw the final session of the 2024 Strathfield Girls High School program.
As usual, all agreed it was an enjoyable and instructive experirnce.
Cheryl organised a fun innovation for the final session, introducing the club's newest rage, Fast and Furious, as well as Bagatelle, much to the girls' enjoyment.
The session was rounded off with an informal afternoon tea.