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Strathfield Croquet Club Inc.

Strathfield Croquet Club acknowledges the Wangal people, traditional owners of the lands on which we meet and enjoy croquet.
Croquet - an enjoyable, affordable, lifetime sport for all ages.
Contact our club via email: strathfieldcroquet@gmail.com
2024 A Taste of Croquet Course for U3A Members
Our course, A Taste of Croquet, was conducted for U3A members at our club on consecutive Fridays, July 5th, 12th and 19th July 2024. Each of the three sessions was conducted for three hours from 0920 to 1220, with breaks at appropriate times. Seven U3A members attended.
The course provides instruction in the skills of Golf Croquet, with an introduction to Ricochet and Gateball.
The course evaluation showed
• All participants enjoyed the course.
• Most felt they were intellectually stimulated.
• Most felt they interacted with other players and coaches.
• Most thought the course helped their sense of well-being.
• Most thought they learnt new skills.
• Most rated the coordination of the course highly
• Most rated the coaching on the course highly
• Most rated the Power Point presentation highly.