Visitors, please browse through our web site and get acquainted with our club and what it offers.

Strathfield Croquet Club Inc.

Strathfield Croquet Club acknowledges the Wangal people, traditional owners of the lands on which we meet and enjoy croquet.
Croquet - an enjoyable, affordable, lifetime sport for all ages.
Contact our club via email: strathfieldcroquet@gmail.com
Captain’s Report
January 2025

Petula Shun
Strathfield Club Captain
I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Christmas period and are ready for a
busy 2025.
2025 has started with the return of twilight sessions. The weather remains
kind to facilitate this time slot. The club calendar has been organised and
available on the website. Thank you Peter. All activities planned for this year
are posted on the calendar. It is a new format that hopefully is easier to find
activities of interest at one glance. The notice board in the club will have
monthly updates.
This year Strathfield Hub will facilitate workshops for all codes and Gateball.
Competitions will continue to include club championships, Makara,
pennants, and Enid Brown. I encourage all members to consider
participating in the club competitions. In February we hope to run a
Advantage play competition for high handicap players as a twilight activity.
This I hope will encourage them to take opportunities available that they are
ready for!
On a personal note. ( A once only) . Thank you all for your support in the last
year. I was very surprised that I was granted the Brian Lawrence Smith
Memorial Trophy. It was a great honour. Sad I wasn’t there to hear all the nice
words said about me! China was a wonderful experience. Walking behind the
Australian flag was an honour and more emotional than I expected. Playing
Gateball against such good players was an eye opening experience, one I
will never forget.
Best Wishes for 2025.
November 2024
Our Croquet lawns opened again on the 4th November after a little longer time than usual . Pleased to see players back playing.
Thank you to Ruth, Allan Peterson, Marilyn Mc Donald, Pauline Atkinson and Margaret 0rr for presenting our club at the Yaralla Open Day . Its helps to promote our sport and club especially this our 120 anniversary year. (See Club Events)
Our final club celebration for our 120 year the “Open Gala Day” was held on Saturday 9th November. Thank you to all the members that helped in organising and ensuring our club looked wonderful. The clubs early families were represented, with the helpful heritage society members , members of council, local schools, and different organisations that have made contributions to our club in different ways. The guests were introduced to the “new” games of Golf Croquet and Gateball. A wonderful afternoon tea was supplied.
The Golf Croquet club championship has been played this month. The numbers of entries was very poor. I was disappointed with the numbers and disagree with most of the reasons explained to me for the lack of interest. In response to this, the competition committee has decided next February we hope to introduce a twilight level play competition for handicap players 12 and over, and members that have not played competition. This hopefully will encourage inexperience players to play. There will be social twilight nights as well.
The GC club competition was without a doubt the best yet. All games were played in a wonderful spirit with good humour. All games were highly competitive with the results close. Final to be held on Monday between Alan Smith and Pauline Hogan.
October 2024
Strathfield’s lawn have been closed for the last 2 weeks for their yearly
maintenance. This the weather has been kind and the lawns are going good already!
This weekend State Gateball tournament is being played at Glendale . We have a
team and a doubles team to represent our club. The last few weeks we have
practiced on Cook’s River lawns. Thank you to Cooks River for assisting us to
practice before State.
Owing to the lawns been closed, Strathfield GC club championship will start 11th
November instead of the advertised date of the 3rd. Please email me if interested
in playing. It is a wonderful opportunity for all players and less experienced are
encouraged to participate. It will be held on Monday and Fridays. Actual dates will
depend on numbers.
Next year our club will compete in the Makara and Enid Brown competitions. It is
also hoped we will be able to enter two divisions in Pennants.
September 2024
Competitions continue!
Ricochet H/low was played in good spirits and very close to the last game. Congratulations
to Alan and Peter for their well deserved win.
Cheryl and her players was successful in retaining the Enid Brown Trophy.
GC pennants continue with all players having success and taking all learning opportunities.
This weekend Strathfield club have 2 teams playing Gateball in the Newcastle triple competition.
On August 24th our Gala Day to celebrate our 120 anniversary was a successful day of fun
and food. Thank you to all that organised it, and those who attended to make it a successful day
August 2024
Holroyd Croquet Club hosted Makara Relay and presentation on July 24th. Strathfield’s Makara team had a enjoyable day and received their runners up badges.
Strathfield club hosted the NSW Golf Bronze Brooch on August 5-7. Thankfully, we were successful with the weather! The tournament was played in good spirits. Ray Kang and Carmen Platt were our representatives. Both played well. Winner was Keith Brodie (Coutts Crossing) and Lee Morphett (Newcastle) was runner up.
I would like to thank everyone who helped on the days. It really was wonderful to be part of that group. Our visitors mentioned more than once, how lucky we are to have so much help. Thankfully, for our club, there were too many to mention. I would still like to thank Anne(tournament manager), Cheryl (computer and organiser expert), Sue (caterer and general organiser ) and finally Alan and Joseph for helping maintain the lawns.
Ricochet H/Low has commenced this week. Going well so far. GC pennants have commenced this month. I hope all enjoy the experience. Thank you Pauline for taking over as captain of team. Enid Brown’s team is being organise. It is a H/Low competition , and I hope new players to competion take the opportunity to play.
Finally Gala Games Day 0n August 24th is the members' opportunity to enjoy the 120 year celebration. Enjoy.