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Come and Try Sessions

Come and Try Sessions'  introduce newcomers to the skills and strategies of Golf Croquet , Ricochet and Gateball.

There are different types of Come and Try Sessions


1.  A Taste of Croquet

3x3 hour sessions on successive Friday mornings with dates set by the club are conducted twice a year.  The skills of Golf Croquet , Ricochet and Gateball are  introduced.   Anyone can participate.  

2.  Croquet For Your Group

You and your friends come on a date and time negotiated with the club.  The emphasis is on learning the game of golf croquet. 


3.  Croquet By Individual Arrangement

A coach makes an individual arrangement with you.

4.  School Croquet Coaching Program

Since 2015 the club has joined with Strathfield Girls High School in presenting a croquet course for their students.  

If your school is interested in starting such a program please contact  us at

5.  Croquet for Seniors

During the Seniors Festival each year, Strathfield Croquet Club  conducts free sessions to introduce Seniors to the skills and strategies of some of the croquet games played at our club. 


At these sessions we provide coaching and all equipment needed.

Remember to wear flat shoes and to protect yourself against the heat.

If you are unable to attend a session, please try and let us know beforehand.

If you are interested, and/or have questions, just email us at


Universities and corporations often arrange sessions to learn the skills and strategies of croquet.& more.

A group of friends from the Homebush Chinese Christian Church.

Golfers often like to play croquet and the Club was happy to provide an introductory session for Breakfast Point golfers. 

Michael Thompson, Leader of the 1st Concord &1st Cabarita/Mortlake Venturer Scouts  and first Concord Scouts brought his scout groups to SCC


Since 2015 SCC has been conducting a joint program with Strathfield Girls  High School. It is pleasing to get positive feedback from the students who come each week in Term Three. Certainly our members enjoyed the opportunity to coach these students, and watch them become competent players. 

We have introduced a Junior Member Award as Strathfield Croquet Club now has Junior Members. 

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